Biomorphs & Aerial Landscapes
Chris Summerfield

10th — 20th September 10.30 — 4.30pm
Private View, 10th September 6 — 8pm

Closed Sundays. Free admission.

The core of my sculptural practice has been my life long response to the natural world and its relationship with human interventions and its stimuli for design, architecture and manufacture. My sculptural forms are essentially Biomorphic, sometimes hybridised with industrial imagery. The impetus for initiating my sculpture is often very spontaneous and intuitive. However, the process for making my sculpture is fairly slow, reflective, process driven and materially focussed. There has to be more of a ‘plan’ for making sculpture. In contrast, making my paintings or painting my sculpture is often more challenging and unpredictable as the outcomes reveal themselves!

I love colour and painting and combine both when object making as well as painting on 2D surfaces. Therefore, this exhibition demonstrates the relationships between my paintings and sculpture.