Points of View
Breckland Artists

October 29th — November 2nd

Open daily 10am — 4.30pm.
Closed Sundays. Free admission.

Working in many different disciplines the members of Breckland Artists use their observational skills and imagination to interpret the world around them. Works in paint, pastel, sculpture, photography, print and textiles come together to present their different interpretations and to create pieces of work that represent their own particular points of view.

Established in 2002 Breckland Artists currently has 9 members that include founder members Chris Gamble and Jill Arnold. Lyn Aylward, Jill Sharpe and Sonia Dobbs-Orr have exhibited with the group for many years and the most recently joined members are Alan Porter, Rachel Furze, Gill Thornton and Penny Lindop.

Website - www.brecklandartists.com

The exhibition will also include work by founder member Roger Gamble who died earlier this year.