On 5th March judging took place for the group schools exhibition taking place in the Crypt this month. Sixth Form Students were asked to visit three exhibitions held in Norwich and begin a project in response to one or more of these shows. This included Rembrandt: Lightening the Darkness at Norwich Castle, The Jerwood Drawing Prize at NUA's East Gallery and Laurence Edwards solo-show Visitor at the Crypt.
At the end of the project five schools submitted work along with proposals and a selection was chosen from each by four judges; Fay Harris (NUA), Hannah Wooller (Hudson Architects), Selwyn Taylor and Keith Roberts (both Norfolk Contemporary Art Society.) It was a fantastic morning and the judges were really impressed by the variation and quality of work submitted. (Further info on judging can be found on the Crypt.i.c blog.)
The private view was a fantastic event - thanks to everyone that attended.

Congratulations to all who took part in Response and particularly to those whose work was chosen to be shown in the Crypt gallery space. All work submitted was shown on a digital screen in the gallery space- which proved to be a great part of the show. Many thanks to HUDSONArchitects, Norwich University of the Arts and Norfolk Contemporary Art Society for their time and support.
The selected artists:
Megan Tusting, Avalon Thursby, Roberta Wilson, Daisy Campbell, Yuanhan Zhang, Anya Birch, Jasper Lin, Michaela Downey, Edward Carrick Smith, Jessica Carter, Aimee Rumsby, Aurora Hampson, Nye King, Sky Barwood, Isis Stevens, Keri Kennet, Connie Peel, Katie Campling, Thia Blake, Kathryn Shailer, Abigail Evans, Lily Pearson, Hannah Laws, Florence Wright, Elizabeth Powell, Lauren Gorbould, Pinka Vuorela, Sidney Reardon, Rose Willis.
Special congratulations to:
Aurora Hampson 'My Dad' - Norwich University of the Arts Prize
Florence Wright 'Interior' - Norfolk Contemporary Arts Prize
Elizabeth Powell ' Self Portrait' - The Crypt Prize
Yuanhan Zhang 'Stare' - HUNDSONArchitects Priize
Keri Kennett 'Spooner Row Primary School 1 and 2' - HUDSONArchitects Architectural Illustration Prize