We love these photographs taken by Androulla Michael of the installation of her and Dr. Iuliana Gavril’s exhibition ‘WHERE THE TREE MEETS THE CROSS’ at The Crypt Gallery.
~ Exhibition Text written by Dr. Iuliana Gavril ~
Where the Tree Meets the Cross brings the work of two artists, Androulla Michael and Iuliana Gavril together in their shared reverence for those most unnoticed - unseen - instances of everyday life. Yet, their capturing in drawing and photography exposes profound, enduring symbols: the cross and the tree.
Androulla Michael’s crosses pass into and out of form in the shadows of a wall or tree, in the cracks of pavements, in the overlaying of clouds on the infinite blue, in the caress of window mullion and muntin by draperies, in the markings of roads and sky, in the nudge of ordinary objects given to banal surfaces.
Once noted, in the mastery of timing, the crosses celebrate light as form-giving, shadow as surreptitious texture and space as life-affirming. Part of knowing the beauty of the world, part of re-finding the salvific and affirmative self in a tumultuous time-space, Androulla Michael’s evanescent crosses will inevitably and ultimately point to the biblical trees: the tree of life, the tree of knowledge, and the tree as the Christian imagery for the cross.
In this specific reference, the ephemeral sighting of crosses receives their immutability. Iuliana Gavril’s drawing of trees (Arborium series) gives Androulla Michael’s Cross series sufficient but not necessarily contextual materiality, anchoring the simple intersecting of lines, often perpendicularly, in the immutable beauty of the natural world. The trees, at once weightless and resplendent, annul the disruptive feature of crosses, repositing the beauty of the world. Only when cross-sighting is viewed in proximity of trees, its life-affirming and altogether humbling attribute is truly magnified.
WHERE THE TREE MEETS THE CROSS, 29 July - 5 August 2024